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From an interior terrace of the Chinese Imperial Palace's Forbidden City, the ancient roof lines provide an artificial horizon line for both the the modern skyline of Beijing and a new soaring white domed, Buddhist stupa.
Posted to Urban about 3150 days ago, 1 comment(s)
This line of creatures along the gable of a Chinese Imperial building inside the Forbidden City, Beijing, China, denotes a building of minor importance among the family apartments. The man riding a chicken and the dragon-like mythological creature at the ends are not counted for precedence, only the animals in the middle, here 3, are counted and the count varies from 0 to 10 animals. Only the Imperial Palace has 10.
A practical need for these is as part of a lightning strike prevention system. Modern society has added a metal bar along the roof crests to augment this function.
Posted to Historical Sites about 3195 days ago, 0 comment(s)
One of dozens of incense burners, which adorn the front stairs leading to the imperial palace. These are about the size of a 55-gallon drum and were constantly lit while the emperor was in residence at the Forbidden City, Beijing, China.
Believe the purpose was a blatant display of ostentation in combination with the practical keeping bugs away and suppressing the massive odor of so many people in a confined space.
Posted to Objet D'art about 3206 days ago, 0 comment(s)
A young girl plays peekaboo with her younger brother around a park bench inside the Forbidden City, Beijing, China. The family was visiting during the equivalent of Chinese Memorial Day.
Posted to Children about 3206 days ago, 0 comment(s)