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Solitary windmill stands post over the recently harvested grain field at dawn. Bright highlights and long dark shadows show the rolling Colorado prairies bring out the terrain relief under the fluffy layers of monsoon cumulus clouds exacerbated by the massive smoke and ash from forest fires across the Western States.
Posted to Landscape about 2330 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Ubiquitous high power electric lines span many miles across the eastern Colorado prairies to bring electricity to the burgeoning populations and isolated farmsteads. Low angle post dawn sunlight creates dimensionality with long highlighted ridge lines and deep shadows.
Posted to Landscape about 2330 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Found an area of Colorado high prairie with rolling hills and infinite grain fields and used the post dawn light and shadows across the scene to develop the depth of the terrain. Monsoon moisture drawn off the Gulf of Baja and smoke from Western state forest fires help form the cumulus cloud banks.
Posted to Landscape about 2330 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Liked the light and shadow play across the sand trap hazard on the Green Valley Ranch Golf Course, Denver, CO.
Posted to Landscape about 3044 days ago, 0 comment(s)