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3 results found.

As the last of the summer blooms wither
and the rains make their way back home
we soak up the minutes in the morning sun
while my toddler dreams of the moon
Posted to Floral and Fauna about 3397 days ago, 0 comment(s)
that deconstructed macro when it's zoomed out does the neatest things with the images.

Posted to Floral and Fauna about 3475 days ago, 1 comment(s)
Fell in love with the velvet texture of these petals, and free lensing is a great way to throw focus on different areas to highlight the great vein lines. Nikon Body/Canon 18mm to 55mm lens, 1/250, ISO 200
Posted to Experimental and Abstract about 3475 days ago, 0 comment(s)