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5 results found.

"This way or no way, you know I'll be free. Just like that bluebird, now ain't that just like me" - David Bowie
Posted to Sunsets about 3271 days ago, 1 comment(s)
Posted to Architecture about 3448 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Sunflare as my ship was passing under the Sunshine Skyway Bridge. The Skyway is a massive bridge that spans Tampa Bay, connecting St. Petersburg to mainland Florida.
Posted to Bridges,Viaducts and Flyovers about 3483 days ago, 0 comment(s)
There is little more beautiful than a sunset on California's Central Coast.
Posted to Sand and Sea about 3491 days ago, 2 comment(s)
This shot was taken at Spyglass Beach here on the Central Coast of California. The rock formations in our area are legendary. I purposely took a low perspective for this shot, set up my tripod and then waited until the sun was where I wanted it to be. I took only a handful of shots, because I already knew what composition I wanted ahead of time. This was my lesson is "plan ahead" worked well for me.
Posted to Sand and Sea about 3501 days ago, 2 comment(s)