Alex Lyons

Alex Lyons Public
Photography has always been a passion for me, but one that has all too often taken a back burner for one reason or another (life, work, lack of equipment, travel funds, etc). Despite these lapses, I am always looking at the world through a photographic filter… a metaphorical filter if not a literal one. In recent years, I have been working toward a somewhat undefined goal, but one that definitely involves travelling and capturing photos of the landscapes and experiences I encounter, as well as anything else that catches my eye.

Born and raised in London until the age of 10, I spent the next 28 years or so living in various parts of America, in or around New York, Miami, San Francisco and Lake Tahoe before moving back to the UK in 2011 to rediscover where it all began for me. After a brief stay in London, I set off for Costa Rica in mid-2011 to fulfil another long-held dream of exploring Central America for a few months....which turned into well over a year.

Now, once again based in London I am trying to expand my portfolio by taking advantage of the beautiful scenery in the UK and other parts of Europe as well as the World beyond (as time and travel funds permit!).

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Taken on the island of Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands, Spain, a windmill sits in silhouette against a clear sky of gold and blue.
Posted to Landscape about 3268 days ago, 0 comment(s)
A frosty winter morning last year in Richmond Park, in London, UK. Numb fingers, but well worth it!!
Posted to Landscape about 3352 days ago, 2 comment(s)
A UNESCO World Heritage site, Plitvička Jezera National Park is undoubtedly one of the most stunning collection of lakes and waterfalls in the world. The waters flowing over the limestone and chalk have, over thousands of years, deposited travertine barriers, creating natural dams which in turn have created a series of beautiful lakes, caves and waterfalls. From a photographic standpoint, it is like being let loose in a candy store; more photo opportunities than you could handle in a week, let alone a day.
Posted to Waterfalls about 3392 days ago, 0 comment(s)