Elissa Desroches Carr

Elissa Desroches Carr Moderator
I hail from Southeastern, Massachusetts. Not to sound cliche, but I really have always had a love for photography. At a young age I received a Polaroid camera and it was clear that I had an eye even with that! I then graduated to a clunky 'floppy disk' digital camera, then steadily moved up the ranks with a finicky Olympus digital. My mother often used me as her travel around photographer when she had a top kennel in the United States. All of her dog pictures were taken by me and from there I really found a love for pet photography.

In 2012 I received my first DSLR as a gift from my husband. A Canon 60D and that is what I shoot with, if I'm not using my iPhone! I dabbled for a time in portraits of individuals, but found that my love and my draw is toward the animals.

Aside from photography, I am quite the active individual, always on the go! I run 5ks, I show my beautiful little border collie, Alice. You may find her in my photos a lot! I run my own candle business with homemade soy candles [ http://www.candlesbywillowridge.weebly.com/], I take care of my two children, Toryn and Evelyn, tend to my horse, read and oh yes I also do aspire to publish a short story or book in the future.

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Posted to Pet Photography about 3546 days ago, 2 comment(s)
An old mare posing for a well deserved spa day.
Posted to Pet Photography about 3550 days ago, 1 comment(s)
The story behind this photo is...

The ruin was one of the oldest buildings in town, dating from the late 1600's. Originally it was the general grocery store and then later on a post office. As the years went on they added to it, always keeping the original stone foundation from the 1600s.

In the building there were two apartments upstairs, and several businesses run throughout, one of the primary happened to be what was called "the bakery." The owners were a husband and wife who had put in a lot of effort to bring their dream to life. They had just opened up an ice cream parlor in addition to their breakfast and lunch menus. Needless to say in a quaint town such as Rochester, it was a hopping place. Not to mention a literal walk across the street for me.

7.28.11 - at 10pm, I hear an explosion. I run out to see the bakery on fire. Not only that.. but a frantic woman who had just crawled out of the apartment building with her cat in a crate. They were both singed and smelled of smoke, but they were in good health.

This photo captures the next day, those that I caught during the fire weren't fantastic but they were featured in the paper the next day.
Posted to Black and White about 3550 days ago, 0 comment(s)
This is the lovely duck from the prior shot.
Posted to Wildlife about 3550 days ago, 6 comment(s)
A random shot I took in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Probably one of my personal favorites.
Posted to Nature about 3550 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Amidst one of my very first "sport action" photos. I adore polo and decided to whip out my camera while juggling a 9 month old baby in my lap and a ball driven border collie's leash on my belt loop. To get any shot that was "decent" seemed somehow to be a miracle at multi-tasking!
Posted to Action Shots about 3550 days ago, 1 comment(s)
Amidst one of my very first "sport action" photos. I adore polo and decided to whip out my camera while juggling a 9 month old baby in my lap and a ball driven border collie's leash on my belt loop. To get any shot that was "decent" seemed somehow to be a miracle at multi-tasking!
Posted to Action Shots about 3550 days ago, 4 comment(s)
The day I brought my border collie show prospect home, Alice.
Posted to Pet Photography about 3550 days ago, 1 comment(s)