Lorren Sellars

Lorren Sellars Moderator
Hi, I'm Lorren from the North East of England.

Studying Documentary Photography at University of South Wales.
I've only been behind a camera for 2 years so I'm like the baby of this team.
I specialise in experimental processes - particularly Photogenic Alchemy or Filmchemy and other analogue processes such as pinhole cameras. Alongside this I also shoot at gigs and concerts in my area which I will hopefully expand later on.

You can find me here...

Instagram: Tattlorr

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TattLorPhotography

Contact me with any questions regarding experimental ideas/processes and concert shoot questions. I'm always happy to help!

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Posted to Portraits about 3318 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Posted to Portraits about 3318 days ago, 0 comment(s)
No post-editing.
Posted to Portraits about 3318 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Posted to Just For Fun about 3374 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Posted to Just For Fun about 3374 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Posted to Just For Fun about 3378 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Posted to Action Shots about 3378 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Posted to Portraits about 3390 days ago, 0 comment(s)
ISO 400
Posted to Portraits about 3390 days ago, 0 comment(s)
ISO 400
Posted to Portraits about 3390 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Shot with a 50mm on a Canon 60D.
Negotiating with subjects is definitely something I've been having to do a lot recently and this has been one of my most memorable shots.
Looks easy right? Well, it really wasn't. I had my back pressed up against the wall and my arms stretched as high as possible in order to get the distance I have in this shot. And I'm the only person they've ever let into the actual bakery floor to shoot. I felt privileged.
ISO 400
Posted to Portraits about 3404 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Shot with an iPhone6
Posted to Landscape about 3414 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Shot with an iPhone 6.
Posted to Landscape about 3418 days ago, 0 comment(s)
No EXIF data available
Posted to Objet D'art about 3434 days ago, 4 comment(s)
No EXIF data available.
Posted to Portraits about 3434 days ago, 2 comment(s)
Posted to Live Performances about 3453 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Posted to Live Performances about 3453 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Posted to Live Performances about 3453 days ago, 0 comment(s)
This was a digital trial shoot for some film work I was doing. I managed to capture the exact same image on film too! But destroyed it as part of some film experimentation.
Posted to Portraits about 3453 days ago, 2 comment(s)
No settings available.
Shot with Canon 60D and a 28-105mm lens.
Posted to Experimental and Abstract about 3457 days ago, 0 comment(s)
No EXIF date available.
Posted to Long Exposure about 3475 days ago, 2 comment(s)
Shot with an iPhone 6. No edits.
Posted to Pets and Domestic Animals about 3475 days ago, 1 comment(s)
Canon 60D
Posted to Just For Fun about 3477 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Most people who shoot in analogue are petrified of damaging the film canisters or negatives post processing... But not many people have a wide enough view, or are willing to take steps into it, to intentionally do this damage and see what comes from it!

So... On a recent experimental urge, I chose to do just that. Of course, with most photographic process there's a lot of alteration needed to the techniques used and this project took me about 2 months to finally get something that I was happy with. But that's all part of developing as a photographer right?

This image was created by shooting on colour film using a Canon 30V and 28-105mm lens then soaking the film in cough syrup and boiling it.

Some people may ask... Well, what's photographic about that other than taking a picture?

Well let me tell you...
1. You need to understand what effect chemicals will have on film. You need to know your boundaries otherwise you could melt your film, wide all of the photosensitive pigments away or in the worse possibly scenario, you could create harmful mixtures such as hydrogen peroxide and acetone being 2/3 parts of a explosive mixture.
2. You still need to shoot pretty images right? That takes technical skill.
3. If you choose to process the film yourself, you need technical skills to do that.

Obviously this type of photography isn't to everyone's taste... But the whole idea behind it really does help you understand some fundamental photographic processes which can be applied to your standard analogue and digital practises.

Have a go yourself! You never know... It may be your photographic forte.
Posted to Objet D'art about 3550 days ago, 3 comment(s)