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This is the majestic Mount Shuksan, in the Mount Baker area of the North Cascades. I had tried to hike this area in late May, but was unsuccessful. This time however, the roads were open. This was the first evening of a three day trip, we got to spend in this gorgeous area. There was still a fair amount of snow in the higher elevations, but will definitly go back to explore this area further.
Posted to Landscape about 3124 days ago, 0 comment(s)
As I viewed my images from the incredible weekend that I had, this particular image really stood out for me. It was the last image I took, before leaving the Alvord Desert in Oregon. We had only gotten about 3 hrs of sleep, but it was so worth getting up for. As I looked at the image, the clouds looked like a Phoenix rising up from the dry desert earth. The "Phoenix" is a symbol of a renewal or rebirth. It is a reminder to me, that no matter how far we fall, or how bad things get.... We all have the strength to rise again, and come out even stronger than we were!!
Posted to Landscape about 3149 days ago, 0 comment(s)
This was taken at Sparks Lake, Oregon. It was the most beautiful night I had seen in a while. There was not a cloud in the sky, and there seemed to be a million stars out. As we stood on the rocks, we noticed a campfire across the way. I thought to myself, what a beautiful night to be camping beneath the stars. Their fire seemed to make the trees glow with a brilliant orange. What an incredible night this turned out to be. We were even blessed to see the longest shooting start we had ever seeen. It was the perfect evening!!
Posted to Landscape about 3149 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Out of all the Mountains in the PNW, this one means the most. I have a special connection with Mount Hood. Every time I see this Mountain, I am reminded of my grandfather. During his summers, he spent many lonely days and nights watching for fires keeping it safe from harm. Also as a young man, he even climbed this mountain a few times. I never really understood his love for it. Because to me, it was just another mountain. But now after exploring and photographing it, I understand its magic, and his love for it. It will always hold a very special place in my heart.

Posted to Landscape about 3326 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Posted to Autumn about 3443 days ago, 0 comment(s)