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Nikon D3100...10/2500/, F/5, ISO/400. 200 mm
Posted to Experimental and Abstract about 3348 days ago, 0 comment(s)
I live in Montana, the closest major city is over 200 miles away in Spokane, Wa. I had been to Spokane and on the way back it was getting late when I came along the shores of lake Pend Orielle. A beautiful, wild place and the deepest lake in the continental 48. It's in Idaho, and there are several marina towns along the road as boating is a regular sport in the lake. Just as I passed a town named "hope, Id." within just a couple of miles I passed thru the town of "beyond hope, Id." No kidding. The sun had gone down and left absolutely gorgeous colors subtly playing chase across the sky. With almost no wind I couldn't resist taking some long exposures while battling the hoard of native mosquitoes who obviously thought I was trespassing. This is just one of the photos I took that evening; I shot until almost dark. Canon 7d, 24-105 L lens, b & h polariser topped with an AFGA polariser to mix the polarisation effects, no flash, Neweer radio controlled sync control to the camera for taking the final shot from my car; when I was hiding from the inch long mosquitoes, at least that is how I remember them.
Posted to Landscape about 3444 days ago, 0 comment(s)