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8 results found.

love changes changes everything
Love makes you fly, it can break your wings
Love changes changes everything
Love makes the rules, from fools to kings
Love changes, love changes everything
Posted to Just For Fun about 2785 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Posted to Nature about 3203 days ago, 0 comment(s)
I'm in love with the planet I'm standing on
I can't stop. I can't stop thinking of
All the people I've ever loved
All the people I have lost
All the people I'll never know
All the feelings I've never shown
Posted to Black and White about 3324 days ago, 0 comment(s)
The seasons, they change, like leaves fallen from trees ready for winter sleep...and so too is life, an ever changing thing.
Posted to Floral and Fauna about 3361 days ago, 1 comment(s)
Like the variegated reds and greens of this tree, and the strong vein lines.
Posted to HDR about 3362 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Used Picasa for post work on this cell/smartphone capture of neighborhood sugar maple, which is undergoing fall color changes. Really like the contrasting red-green colored patches.
Posted to HDR about 3362 days ago, 0 comment(s)
So, I have a couple seniors who are wanting "Winter Themes" in some of their portraits, if possible. The reason for "if possible" is that we live in the desert, and even on the rare occasion that it snows, it usually doesn't stick around for more than a couple hours. So I looked up various methods to try and convert seasons using filters and actions in Photoshop. I was able to create a scene that seems like the first snowfall in late autumn, early winter, with just a hint of color still visible on the trees. There is also a hint of snow flurries using a Photoshop Snow brush that I downloaded online.
Posted to Just For Fun about 3400 days ago, 0 comment(s)