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I decided to drop in on Mount Rainier this weekend, hoping to catch some light. I have been here many times, and the moutain as always eluded me. After I had taken my shots that I wanted, I stood there in silence just taking in the view. Even thought there were other people around, I felt like it was just me and the mountain. We were finally at peace.
Posted to Landscape about 2741 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Posted to Urban about 3123 days ago, 1 comment(s)
This is Devil's Den in historic Gettysburg Pennsylvania! I was not intending to stop here on this day but as the sun rose above the clouds beams of light came popping through shining down on this historic place of battle when two sides clashed for three days July 1 -july 3 1863 leaving 51,000 brave soldiers dead! As I photographed the light I could not help but think how the sun might be warming the souls of the deceased .
Posted to Historical Sites about 3439 days ago, 0 comment(s)