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This teddy bear and a couple of other stuffed animals tucked inside the tree knoll was found in the knoll of a tree next to a highway. Begs the question: Is it is a memorial? Nevertheless, it is a touching and sweet image.
Posted to Just For Fun about 3237 days ago, 1 comment(s)
This was such a fun find as I went down to my usual pier for the sunset, wondering how I could make it more interesting. Low and behold a sand artist had been there, meking designs in the sand that day. I felt so blessed. He left his hashtag #FRPART. I looked him up. He apparently usually does this in Santa Cruz. He wrote me back and said that his father's ashes had been scattered at Pismo Beach and that he stops by once in awhile to pay homage to him. I thought it was very special.
Posted to Sand and Sea about 3314 days ago, 0 comment(s)