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Shot with 2 Alien Bees B800 and 2 White Lightning UltraZap 800's. Two bare reflectors on the backdrop, exposure at +2, Photek diffuserkey light and white umbrella in front at neutral exposure. Remaining deets in Exif.

©Scott Smith Photography
Posted to Still Life about 3343 days ago, 1 comment(s)
A rather pricey but posh leather travel bag. Split toned and vignetted in LR, with a touch of central, radial mask with increased clarity and contrast.

©Scott Smith Photography
Posted to Still Life about 3351 days ago, 0 comment(s)
The Kingfisher is a bird I've always wanted to shoot, but never had the opportunity. The other night, I was served this beer in an Indian restaurant in South Kensington, and I thought "why the hell not?" Lighting was pretty cool and funky, but I think I got it balanced.
Posted to Still Life about 3354 days ago, 0 comment(s)