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Evening Humming Bird
Connor Western
Does anyone else like the tone of this picture? it was a slightly cold evening in Quito/ Ecuador and I caught this Humming Bird mid-flight. Deciding on this shade of colour due to the atmosphere of the city and the way I felt (Which was a huge sense of distance from home and a new world)
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about 3397 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Relaxed Humming Bird
Connor Western
Well this little guy decided to take a break from flying around, and without him knowing it...I was there waiting with my camera, no bird escapes!
Sadly my original RAW photo is buried somewhere in my hard drive so upon request I will find it!
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about 3399 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Humming Bird
Connor Western
This guy was pretty cool to capture out in Ecuador, as his feathers were like sequins, and they were of a very cold tone, he was amoung the fastest to capture and certainly put up a challenge
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about 3401 days ago, 1 comment(s)
Butterfly get-together
Connor Western
What's nicer to see in the jungle then the insects having a little catch-up? journeying through the leaves and vegetation to discover that these little guys have taken the time out of their day to relax and enjoy some time together - for the people who are less interested in this manifested story another interesting part about this photo is the transparent wings! a few locals called these butterflies the "Glass-winged butterflies" because you can see right into the background right behind them...not sure if the other insects of the forest minded their little catch up, as I'm sure they were probably being watched.. :)
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about 3401 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Bald Eagle
Connor Western
Okay before anyone asks...this is at a bird show in Ecuador, if that makes the photo a little less impressive then I apologise...to myself for not having a long enough lens to capture the a wild one! but I thought that this pose for the bird is quite an iconic american image if you think about it ... hope you do.
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about 3401 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Tree Frog
Connor Western
This little dude appeared in my cabin during my stay in the Amazon Rainforest. At first he was a shadow when I opened the door, I was sort of worried it was a massive bird eating spider, but soon after using the flashlight I saw the green pupils in his eyes shrink into a lovely pattern, So what better opportunity did I have to capture the frog?
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about 3403 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Humming Bird
Connor Western
During my time in the Amazon (And even before I went) my aim was to capture a Humming Bird on camera, so when I arrived at the cloud forest and saw millions of them I thought this would be the easiest task ever...I was wrong, as these guys wouldn't sit still! always moving faster then a squirrel on coffee! eventually having my camera mounted on the tripod with my 300mm lens sat still looking at one place...a Humming bird landed right on the branch I was looking at, I had exactly less than a second to click the shutter before it would fly away...so this was a lucky shot that for-filled my aim for the holiday.
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Just For Fun
about 3404 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Rainforest girl
Haley Pepper
This was taken on slide film then scanned. This is a little girl who lives in the rainforest of Costa Rica.
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about 3485 days ago, 0 comment(s)
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