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I had an amazing experience on Friday, I tracked down and followed a herd of wild horses and was eventually accepted into the group. I spent the entire afternoon walking with them in the foothills of the Alberta Rockies surrounded by some of the most breathtaking scenery Alberta has to offer, this was a once in a lifetime experience to be surrounded by wild horses and move with them in their natural habitat.
Posted to Landscape about 3247 days ago, 1 comment(s)
I had an amazing experience on Friday, I tracked down and followed a herd of wild horses and was eventually accepted into the group. I spent the entire afternoon walking with them in the foothills of the Alberta Rockies surrounded by some of the most breathtaking scenery Alberta has to offer, this was a once in a lifetime experience to be surrounded by wild horses and move with them in their natural habitat.
Posted to Landscape about 3247 days ago, 1 comment(s)
I had an amazing experience on Friday, I tracked down and followed a herd of wild horses and was eventually accepted into the group. I spent the entire afternoon walking with them in the foothills of the Alberta Rockies surrounded by some of the most breathtaking scenery Alberta has to offer, this was a once in a lifetime experience to be surrounded by wild horses and move with them in their natural habitat.
Posted to Landscape about 3247 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Posted to Shoot All about 3483 days ago, 0 comment(s)