Nine by

Posted in Shoot All

I was just walking around town with a friend after lunch and this caught my eye, I made him and my toddler wait while I shot this and I am quite pleased with how it turned out. Just the back of an old truck been sitting for a while.
Tagged With: #truck, #old, #rusted, #white, #lyfisgrand

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Tracy Peltier That`s really cool! I have heard the term glad hands before but never knew what they were!
The two connections on the bottom are called glad hands. The two upper ones are electrical connections. Im a truck driver when I'm not fantasizing about being a photographer 😀
Bri's O.A.Photography Thank you! I am quite pleased with how it turned out. I didn't have to do anything to the image but brighten it a little.

Still getting low ratings but I like it.
Nice wear effect....been standin there for abit more than awhole huh Jade lol.....District 9 film came to mind when i saw this...nicely captured😊