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The James-Santee Episcopal Church in McClellanville was built in 1890 as a chapel-of-ease for the Wambaw Church within the St. James-Santee Parish. The parish was established in 1706 by the Church of England and served French Huguenots who had arrived in 1687 – two years after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes – to escape persecution for their Protestant beliefs. It was the first parish to be established outside of Charleston, and the area was called the French Santee
Posted to Historical Sites about 3391 days ago, 0 comment(s)
The James-Santee Episcopal Church in McClellanville was built in 1890 as a chapel-of-ease for the Wambaw Church within the St. James-Santee Parish. The parish was established in 1706 by the Church of England and served French Huguenots who had arrived in 1687 – two years after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes – to escape persecution for their Protestant beliefs.
Posted to HDR about 3491 days ago, 0 comment(s)