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Title: Bumped into a dinosaur
Country: Canada
Exif: Canon 7D, f10, 1/2000 sec, ISO 300, 300mm

Kayaking to get a photo of a Great Blue Heron and my kayak bumped into this old guy. They can live up to 100 years and weigh up to 75 pounds. This guy was a big one. After my little encounter, he went under to walk along the bottom. I'm glad I wasn't wading barefoot in that area. Oh, and snapping turtles were around when the dinosaurs were here. They don't seem to have changed, judging by their ancient appearance.
Posted to Nature about 3114 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Even though the tag gives the animal away, if you'd like to play the guessing game then go ahead and decide what animals eye this is (If it is an animal ;)
Taken here in Wales - Roath Park
Posted to Wildlife about 3401 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Waited 25 minutes to get this shot. I was amazed because there were two other turtles on the same log that he knocked off their premium sunning spots.
He finally rested his head on the top turtle because he wasn't giving up his spot...the gator eventually voiced his displeasure. Got the shot!

Nikon d5100
1/1000 sec
Posted to Nature about 3420 days ago, 0 comment(s)
I'm always stopping to move turtles off the road
Posted to Wildlife about 3489 days ago, 0 comment(s)